The Four Types of Emotions | Ti0x #2

Instinctual Emotions, Thought-based or Artificial Emotions, Natural Emotions, and Higher Emotions: understand the different types of Emotions and the different ways in which we process them.

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Digging into Instinctual Emotions, Thought-based or Artificial Emotions, Natural Emotions, and Higher Emotions: understand the different types of Emotions and the ways in which we process them.

We also recommend reading our blog post in which we provide more information and watching episode 0 of our vodcast before you watch this one so you have the proper context to understand this episode.

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The Infinite Zero Experience
The Infinite Zero Experience Podcast is hosted by Ti0 with students, clients, and invited guests. We dig into topics related to Self-Mastery & Spiritual Alignment through methods such as Study of Self, Unschooling the Unconscious, The Yoga Beyond, Consciousness Nomadism, The Fourth Way of Consciousness, and more...